Rock News


The Guatemala Mission Team is in the middle of their mission trip right now. Keep them in your prayers! CLICK HERE for a list of daily prayer requests for the team.

Join us for a special time of prayer July 9 and August 27, praying for the call process, our future pastor, and The Rock during the vacancy period. We’ll gather in room 211 (near the stairs) from 9:15-9:50. All are welcome! 

Please keep the call committee members in your prayers: Ross Briggs, Lori Bruns, Emma Dannehl, Jake Eckles, Marcus Gubanyi, Tim Moll, Matt Myers, Brenda Rief, Andrea Sloup, and our circuit visitor, Rev. David Palomaki. Please also pray for our vacancy pastor, Rev. David Loeschen.

Blue Valley Community Action

Our June item for the Blue Valley food pantry is just-add-water pancake mix, which we collect in a tub in the Rock cafe. In July we’ll collect canned meat (but save the tuna for December). Thanks for being a blessing to the community in this way! You can see our Blue Valley Pantry item schedule on our website. Year-round they also collect the following: pasta, pasta meal mixes, instant potato side dishes, and mashed potatoes. 

YogaFaith News

Please check with Sara and Erika for details of June classes before coming to The Rock for a class. 

  • All Level Tuesdays at 5:30 pm at The Rock  
  • All Level Thursdays at 5:30 pm at The Rock 
  • Restorative YogaFaith from 7:00-8:00 pm at The Rock 

*Restorative YogaFaith classes are limited to 8 students per class because of the limited number of props we have available. Please secure your spot for Restorative YogaFaith by signing up on Sign Up Genius at

Also, visit their Facebook page for a full calendar and more information.

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Mail | PO Box 199, Seward, NE 68434

Prayer requests are received by our prayer warriors. If you would like them kept confidential and not included in public prayers on Sundays, just let us know in your email.

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